Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 wrap up

Best songs of 2009:

Right Round - Flo Rida
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Run This Town - Jay-Z
Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
I Gotta Feelin' - Black Eyed Peas
Down - Jay Sean
Whatcha' Say - Jason Derulo

Best movies of 2009:

500 Days of Summer

Biggest events of 2009:

Michael Jackson's death. Totally eclipsing Farah Fawcett's death
Ikin's graduation
Conquering New York
Anas gets a baby boy
Jamil's wedding

Honorable Adam Johari achievements of 2009:

Destroyed Mike in badminton
Scored 5 touchdowns while playing American Football

Hottest chicks of 2009:

The Wifey
Katy Perry

2010 goals:

Six pack. Once I get the six pack I'll name my six pack something awesome. The guy in Jersey Shore names his six pack "The Situation".

Monday, December 28, 2009

Love thy neighbor

Not! My neighbor keeps on playing the bagpipes every single day. Is this girl a rabbit disguised as a woman? The ironic thing is that I have never seen my neighbor. I've only heard her constant screams of pleasure. For all I know she could be severely over weight or extremely hot. She could also be an 80 year old granny. Who knows!?


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I hate it when I go to electronic shops, for instance like Best Buy or the Apple store, and the people who work there try to teach, inform, boast to me about the products sold. First of all, when there is a combination of 'electronics' and my desire to 'purchase' that electronic, you better be damn sure that Adam Johari has already done his research on the item.

When I mean research it means that I've memorized all the specs of that item and I could recite all the specs of that item back to the seller. For speakers, that means I know how much Watts the speaker uses, how big the tweeter size is, whether the product is THX certified or not, is it compatible with 240V, does the light in front of the speaker annoy people, is the bass deep enough, mid tones sound proper, max output creates a distorted sound and so forth.

For camera lenses it means I know how much chromatic aberration the lens has, whether it can auto focus on my camera or not, is it a fast lens?, stiff zoom ring?, fast auto focus, produces good color tones?, heavy/light lens, how many aperture blades, cheap feeling lens? etc.

I know all that crap. If I walk into those shops I don't look all confused and am asking for your 'expert' opinion, I just want you to smile and keep quiet. And just so you know, I have already surveyed every single other shop online that sells the same product and know what they are offering it for. I'm just at your shop for the view.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009


Alhamdulillah. Thank God.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jamil's getting married

Today one of my close friends - Jamil - is getting married. We went to the same lower high school, then went on to the same boarding school where we were roommates, and then we continued to university together where we were housemates. Sadly, today I won't be able to attend his wedding as I am not currently back home. If I had more holidays I'd definitely go back to see him get married, but as it turns out I don't.

In my defense I did give Jamil a call yesterday and we had a 20 minute conversation which is pretty ghey considering guys don't talk to other guys on the phone.

Jamil will be marrying Evi. They met back in MRSM Langkawi (Maresmawi) and became an item slightly after finishing high school. Though Jamil and Evi were apart for quite some time due to Jamil studying abroad, they maintained their relationship and now are on the verge of reciting their "akad nikah".

On a side not, it always makes me happy to see couples who have been together for quite some time get married. Cause that's how it was with my wife and me. Long distance relationships are extremely tough to handle. Considering they both have been able to thread the rocky waters together as bf/gf though, I have no doubt that they will be able to have an even greater relationship once married.

I remember back in INTEC Shah Alam where Jamil would be calling Evi like every single minute. He would always buy those phone cards so he would supposedly be able to call her long distance for a cheap rate. I guess the cheap rates weren't really that cheap, at least they weren't cheap enough for Jamil. Cause Jamil would chomp like one card per day just to call Evi. Haha. Well, from now onwards you won't have to buy phone cards or use so many phone minutes calling her anymore will you Jamil?

Time is edging now. In a few more hours Jamil will be able to do you-know-what without sin. Hahaha. Just be confident my friend. Skejap je jadi hebat. Hahahaha.

I hope you guys have a great wedding and a great honeymoon! Congratulations!!

Ps - fun factor - so far all the people who have been marrying inter MRSM Langkawi schoolmates in my batch have all been from Bangi. Anas and Zack. Adam (me) and Shikin. And soon to be... Jamil and Evi.

Jamil holding a stick

Thursday, December 10, 2009


The one reason why I like math is that it isn't subjective. There is no feel to it. You can either be wrong, or you can either be right. The bullshit that they fed us in poetry class back in high school doesn't apply to math. "There is no real answer to the meaning of poetry.... rather it is the interpretations that are important", my English teacher said. Hmph. Interpretations? Buffoonery.

Math isn't about interpretations. Math is about being precise. Sometimes to the dot. If you wrote down the right answer you get points. If you didn't get the right answer then you are out of luck. Teachers can't F up your grades based on "key words" they felt should have been included in your answer.

Math is objective. Hmmm... or is it? Not really.

Math gets tampered when we inject the human element into it. For example, what is the average between zero and ten? It should be five right? That makes sense.

Question rephrased. Say you see a girl in the bar, and she's not hot, nor is she ugly either. She's what you would call an average girl. Everything about her is average. Average facial structure. Average breasts size. Average waist. Average everything. Now your buddy goes up to you and asks you this question,"Dude did you check out that girl? How is she?"

If that was a mathematical question the answer would be simple. "She's a five John. A five". But nope, you don't tell your friend John that she's a five. Instead, you tell your buddy John that she's a SIX. Why!? Cause five sounds so mean when it comes to looks (human element interference). Six is the average when it comes to looks. Six and probably seven are around averageish. Five and below means that they are unacceptable. Eight and above is above 'average'.

Get your 'math' straight people.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Do you know what loneliness is? How could you feel lonely when you are surrounded by so many people? In fact, how could you feel lonely when you are surrounded by so many people that you know? Let me tell you a story.

I've been living alone in a studio for two years now. All by myself. When I get back to my apartment from work the first thing that I see when I open my door is my bed. No one is there to greet me. Everything that is there when I shove that door far enough inwards so that the door gets stopped by the unleveled carpet isn't living. Except for my new PS3. She has a soul and a heart and she is very much alive. But apart from her, when I get back to my apartment, sometimes from a long day at work, I find myself in an empty apartment and ALL that I have is myself.

Food is not on the table when I get back. I'm hungry and I'm tired at times and I have nothing to eat. There are chain restaurants nearby my apartment. However, after being here for two years and skipping one restaurant to the next it eventually becomes a pattern and you cycle through the same ones. What about cooking myself you say? I do cook for myself. It's called the two minute microwave of hot dogs.

Before, when I had shower curtains that were not see through, I'd always have this tiny little scary voice inside me telling me to be prepared to fight the boogieman once I pull the shower curtains open. I would pull open the shower curtains with might, knowing there really isn't some scary person there, but still my heart races every single time.

At night times, I would watch TV shows by myself. ABC, Fox Sports, NBC, CBS, you name it. I watch all of em. I'd go cuddle up on my couch with the extra pillow that I place on my bed but never sleep with. Sometimes there will be really funny scenes from shows like Family Guy and How I Met Your Mother but I find myself laughing alone. And after I laugh I feel so stupid cause why am I laughing in the first place? Why are you laughing Adam Johari? No one is here to hear it! My mind would think about how those live audiences in studios would laugh as a cue for people watching at TV to laugh. I am the live audience. But I have no TV viewers.

It's funny how loneliness can creep at you. You feel most lonely when you are tired and weak. But the next morning when you wake up, you don't feel that lonely. At least that's me.

I guess the moral of the story is. If you have a choice to not be by yourself. To not let your mind go racing wild because of the void. Take the time to choose not to be by yourself. Having your alone time is fine. Just don't make it a routine. I know what true loneliness is now. But hey, in all honesty I'm an emotionally strong person. Other people. I don't know.


I hate it when I write 4 paragraphs in a blog entree and then I decide to delete it cause I feel it isn't worthy of being in my blog. It's better to feel stupid than to BE stupid.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Which one would you prefer

Which one would you prefer:

1. Being the jaguh kampung (being the best in the small pond)


2. Being the average person amongst the cream of the crop

Are those two questions too hypothetical for you? Ok let's put them in different terms.

Which one would you prefer:

1. Getting a 3.90 from the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too


2. Getting a 3.00 from DePaul University

There are no "IF's". Don't try to be a smart aleck and say that you are the best in every situation. Cepuk karang.

Since I haven't written

There are two things that a man my age craves - love and money. Those two are the number one and number two, in which order you desire to place them is up to you, of what men my age pursue vigilantly. Some people are really good in pursuing love, they are born with "perfect faces" and can roll out smooth words as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Some people are good in the latter. They studied extremely well in school, mastered the art of medicine/banking/consulting/etc and are able to attract business. The money just appears out of thin air for them. In their craft, they are the specialists. They notice the tiniest of details in their work. Perfection is not everything for them, it is the only thing.

Then there are some that are horrible in both of them. Those sad lads would need some guidance. But they are of no importance to this post. So let them be in their state of sadness.

Most people are just average, just someone in between when it comes to the two subjects. They are in love one day, the next day they are heartbroken. Today they feel it, tomorrow their so-called love of their lives is just another person; unexciting and too predictable. They don't make a ton of money but they do make a living. These people are OK.

Today, I am already married. My wife would not attest to my smooth talking skills, but deep down I'm sure she knows I was pretty smooth at times. So, am I in one of those groups described? Not really. But I do know that I can check off the "Love" part. Now I just need to pursue money right?

To be continued

Verbal Pwnage